Organisation & Governance
LUCC is governed by the regulation "Dnr STYR 2018/1653" as decided by the Board of Faculty of Medicine at Lund University on October 24th, 2018. LUCC is managed by a board, executive group, internal reference group, external expert group, scientific advisory board and supporting personnel. The term of office is usually 3 years (2 years for PhD student representatives and 1 year for Future Faculty representative) with the possibilty for extension for additional period.
LUCC Coordinator 20240301-270228
Mats Jerkeman, Professor
Board (9 members)
Mats Jerkeman, Chair & Coordinator
Sophia Zackrisson, Vice chair & Vice Coordinator
Marcus Järås, Academic staff representative Faculty of Medicine, Lund University
Vinay Swaminathan, Academic staff representative Faculty of Medicine, Lund University
Mef Nilbert Academic staff representative Faculty of Medicine, Lund University
Sara Ek, Academic staff representative Faculty of Engineering, Lund University
Pamela Buchwald, Representative Skåne University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Centre
Carina Bernardo, Representative Future Faculty
vacant, PhD Student Representative
Co-opted member: Cecilia Jädert, Innovation
Scientific Advisory Board
Prof Lars Bullinger, Medical Director of the Department of Hematology, Oncology and Tumorimmunology, DE
Prof Alex Molassiotis,University of Derby, vårdvetenskaplig inriktning (20230101 – 20251231), UK
Prof Mark Middleton, Director of the CRUK Oxford, Oxford University, UK
Prof. Inge Marie Svane, National Center for Cancer Immune Therapy, CCIT-DK Copenhagen University Hospital, Herlev, Denmark
Contact information
Mats Jerkeman, Professor, LUCC Coordinator
Division of Oncology
Lasarettsgatan 23A
SE-221 85 Lund
Phone: +46 46 177827 Cell phone: +46 70 4973507
Pia Berntsson, PhD, Scientific Coordinator
BMC I:1325 (Service point 66)
Sölvegatan 19
SE-223 62 Lund
Phone: +46 46 222 31 01
Hanna Barjosef, Financial Officer
BMC I:1330a (Service point 66)
Sölvegatan 19
SE-223 62 Lund
Phone: +46 46 222 04 62