Strategic networks
LUCC has 16 strategic translational networks based on cancer diagnosis, technology or processes. The aim of the networks is to bridge the basic and clinical science and the diverse disciplines. Networking activities include discussions about scientific challenges in the field, facilitation of new collaborations, and sharing technical and educational expertise. The key goal is to create opportunities that set the foundation for novel interdisciplinary research collaboration.
LUCC 16 translational networks (diagnosis, technology, or process-oriented):
- Blood, lymphoma & myeloma (Anna Hagström / Jörg Cammenga)
- Brain, spinal cord & pituitary (Alexander Pietras / Johan Bengzon)
- Breast (Sara Alkner / Ida Skarping / Lao Saal)
- Child (Daniel Bexell / Charlotte Böiers / Kees-Jan Pronk)
- Gastrointestinal - Colorectal (Milladur Rahman/ Pamela Buchwald / Marie-Louise Lydrup) - Hepatic-Pancreatic-Biliary (HPB) (Monika Bauden / Daniel Ansari)
- Gynaecology (Ingrid Hedenfalk / Susanne Malander)
- Head & neck (Malin Lindstedt / Lennart Greiff & Maria Gebre-Medhin)
- Lung (Mattias Magnusson / Maria Planck)
- Sarcoma (Karolina Leandersson Bogefors / Fredrik Mertens)
- Skin (Göran B Jönsson / Karolin Isaksson)
- UroCan-LUCC: Prostate-Bladder-Kidney (Yvonne Ceder / Håkan Axelson / Fredrik Liedberg)
- Cancer epidemiology (Helena Jernström / Tanja Stocks)
- Imaging & nuclear medicine/radiology (Ramin Massoumi / Ida Dalene Skarping)
- Immunology, tumour microenvironment & metastasis (Karin Leandersson / Anna Gerdtsson)
- Nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care (Marlene Malmström / Annika Kisch)
Contact respective heads if you want to participate in any of the strategic translational networks.