LUCC-Breast network
Breast cancer is the most common diagnosis among women worldwide, and the LUCC-Breast network is the largest cancer research area at Lund University. LUCC-Breast comprises over 20 groups and 150 members in Lund and Malmö. The scientific focus areas span from basic science to clinical studies, with major research projects within genomics, genetics, tumor biology, cell signaling, prognostic and predictive biomarkers, tumor microenvironment, immunology, diagnostics, imaging, epidemiology, liquid biopsies, and anti-cancer therapies.
Breast cancer research at Lund University is world-renown for its high-quality biobanks and long-standing expertise in clinical trials, high-throughput methods, advanced machine learning, and functional model systems. The main questions that breast cancer research at Lund University are trying to answer include why a 5-year survival after breast cancer is not necessarily a cure, what are the underlying genetic, genomic, and epigenetic defects which drive breast cancer progression and can we intercept these intracellular and extracellular signaling pathways, and how can we – with greater precision and personalization – prevent, diagnose, predict, monitor, and treat the patients who are at highest and lowest risk for relapse and death?
The purpose of the LUCC-Breast network is to:
- provide a platform and venue for our breast cancer researchers to connect with each other and freely exchange ideas, share expertise, and increase collaboration
- in order to accelerate discovery, innovation, and knowledge growth with the ultimate goal of improving the outcomes and quality of life of breast cancer patients.
The LUCC-Breast network organizes regular meetings, symposia, invited speakers, and other scientific and social activities (see LUCC calendar). To learn more, contact the co-leaders Sara or Lao.

Network leaders
sara [dot] alkner [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (sara[dot]alkner[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 17 75 24
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Lund University
Skåne University Hospital
Lund, Sweden
lao [dot] saal [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (lao[dot]saal[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 03 65
Department of Clinical Sciences
Lund University
Medicon Village, bldg 404
22381 Lund
Ida Skarping, MD PhD
ida [dot] skarping [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (ida[dot]skarping[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Department of Clinical Sciences
Lund University
Medicon Village, bldg 404
22381 Lund